Friday, October 31, 2008

It's Halloween- Time for girls to dress like whores... but wait...

Everyone's noticed a trend at Halloween parties: girls can dress skanky, and get away with it! Now, I'm not complaining about that trend at all... It's great. In fact, it made Halloween one of my favorite holidays when I was single! :)

No party was complete without the sexy nurse, the sexy maid, the sexy police woman, the sexy school girl, the sexy witch, the sexy pirate wench...

Like these ones:


But look at this- I ran across this article today that kind of disturbed me: link

Why are children's costumes being all sexified now? It's borderline kiddie porn.
Check this out. It's just wrong.

Food for thought. Watch out for your kids!


Anonymous said...

So true Alex! As a mom of an 8 year old who wants to wear all these, shall we say, risque outfits I totally agree. It is hard to keep your ground when all the other kids parents don't seem to mind their daughter's running around the streets looking like strippers. Kids are already growing up too fast in our world. Let them be kids but also remain strong in your convictions as a parent. Don't let them fall into the trap of peer pressure and an overly sexual society! There is my rant for the day...great blog. Hope the voices stop soon. ;)


Heavy Futz said...

Thanks, Maredyth. :)